Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste treatment involves multiple stages including generation, collection, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. During the treatment process, hazardous waste must be strictly identified and classified according to hazardous waste identification standards. Safety must be ensured during collection, transportation, and storage, and scientifically effective technologies must be employed during disposal to safeguard personnel safety and prevent adverse environmental impacts.

Project Cases

Dongguan Haixinsha Resource Utilization Center Green Industrial Service Project

Total Scale: 316,100 tons/year, occupying an area of approximately 20.2 hectares
Total Investment: 247.05 million euros.
Treatment Process: It covers rotary kiln incineration, plasma melting, physicochemical methods (11 different process routes), heavy metal sludge pyrometallurgy, molecular distillation, mechanical crushing, automated cleaning, etc. It is currently the largest, most advanced, technically complex, and representative hazardous waste comprehensive disposal project in China.

Gulei Industrial Waste Treatment Project BT Project

General industrial waste: 190 t/d
Thermal power plant ash: 1,100 t/d
Original hazardous waste: 81.5 t/d
Original sludge: 133.3 t/d
Total Treatment Scale: 496,500 t/a
Project Investment: 58.36 million euros